Welcome to On Pattison-- THE Philly sports site.

What to Expect
Quality, top-shelf, Grade A, capital J Journalism sports coverage, the likes of which mostly requires a subscription these days.
Classic, reverse chronological, blog-style format, so you check the site 45 times per day. Many other sites have gotten away from this because web designers have hijacked the user experience. With sports you want to know what happened, just now!, every time you come to the site. No one seems to understand that anymore. Easy to read, addictive content. Please, take us into the bathroom with you.
Personality. I just requested toilet time with you. Be honest,
does The Inquirer ask to join you on the throne?A daily (5x per week)
newsletter coming soon--
subscribe for free hereWHO TO EXPECT IT FROM
Tim, who has run Phillies Nation and was a web curator for 94 WIP parent company Audacy, will serve as our Managing Editor and spend most of his time on the Phillies and Eagles.
Anthony is the guy for Flyers coverage in this city. He has already been working with Access Media, and will split duties between the Phillies and Flyers.
Austin Krell has been an up and comer on the Sixers’ beat, and you’ll soon see why.
John Foley, who has one of the best Philly social media accounts, will be a generalist, shape-shifting to where the content demands take him and adding some flair to the site.
Kyle Scott, founder of the popular Philly sports site Crossing Broad.